Upcoming WA State Conference Presentation
In order for Australia to reach its 2030 target of 43% reduction of CO2e, all elements of the economy must take high impact steps to reduce their energy consumption. The recent NABERS for Hospitals rating process undertaken in Victoria have often highlighted to hospital operators the poor energy efficiency of their facilities, which include the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems.
The purpose of the presentation will be to outline the reduction of energy intensity and running costs of ventilation systems (notably air-handling units - AHUs) and maximize patient safety by delivering 100% fresh air in hospitals. This can be achieved by retrofitting existing AHUs with electronically-commutated (EC) fans.
We propose to present a case study of a major hospital in Victoria that has utilised EC fans for two AHU upgrades to achieve energy reductions and operating cost savings. The upgrade consisted of replacing the existing belt-driven double width-double inlet (DWDI) fans with modular EC backward-curved centrifugal fans manufactured by ebm-papst.
The AHU upgrade yielded an average fan energy savings of 32.5%, amounting to a total of $23,187.00 in savings annually. The savings were based on the determined baseline fan energy usage that was annualized from one snapshot taken at the start of the project delivery phase in January 2022. The DWDI fans operated 24/7 at constant speed. The operating data is based on the Siemens Navigator trends that were in place since project completion in June 2022. According to the Siemens Energy Savings report, the average hourly energy usage from project completion until January 2023 was extrapolated to derive annual values.
Overall, we propose to guide the audience through the benefits and potential high impact improvements that can be made to energy consumption, carbon emissions and operating cost by utilizing high efficiency HVAC technology such as modular EC fans.
On Behalf of ebm-papst A&NZ we look forward to seeing you at the next IHEA event in Perth. At this conference we plan to present to you an EC fan retrofit case study taken place in a healthcare facility.
To register for the conference to hear more about the solution and case study, please click below.